Beat around the bush (meaning “discuss amatter without coming to the point”) has been first used in 1570s;its sense has shifted from “make preliminary motions” to “avoid,evade.” See also beat the bushes, which is a way to rousebirds so that they fly into the net which others areholding.Click to see full answer. Also to know is, what does beating around the bush mean sexually?Idioms. beat around/about the bush, toavoid coming to the point; delay in approaching a subject directly:Stop beating around the bush and tell me what youwant.Secondly, is it beating around the bush or beating about the bush? If you beat around the bush, or beat about thebush, you don’t say something directly, usually because youdon’t want to upset the person you’re talking to. In this manner, why does he beat around the bush? People tend to ‘beat about the bush’ whentrying to avoid talking about an embarrassing or difficult topic.This idiom came about through bird hunting when participants usedto beat bushes to stir the birds from them while otherscaught them in nets.What does cut the Chase mean?”Cut to the chase” is a phrase thatmeans to get to the point without wasting time. The sayingoriginated from early film studios’ silent films. It was a favoriteof, and thought to have been coined by, Hal Roach Sr.